Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Jobless rate still envy of world: Evans

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Jobless rate still envy of world: Evans

CANBERRA, Aug 11 AAP - Australia's unemployment rate remains comparatively low and
is still the envy of the world, federal Jobs Minister Chris Evans says.

The unemployment rate rose to 5.1 per cent in July when economists had expected it
to remain at 4.9 per cent for another month.

"Australia's unemployment rate remains one of the lowest rates in the industrialised
world and stands in stark contrast to our peers," Senator Evans said in a statement on

He said at the start of the global financial crisis, Australia's unemployment rate
was the same as the US, but now America's jobless rate is nearly double that of Australia's.

"This would simply not be possible if it weren't for Australia avoiding recession during
the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression," the senator said.

"Australia's labour market - like the Australian economy - remains resilient, particularly
in the context of the chronic unemployment problems besetting so many other advanced economies."

AAP cb/ht/


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Community in shock after driver kills five teens

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Community in shock after driver kills five teens

By Xavier La Canna and Shelley Markham

MILDURA, Feb 19 AAP - A close-knit Victorian community has been torn by grief and shock
after a car ploughed into a group of teenagers, killing five as they left a birthday party.

Eight other young people were injured, two critically, when a car careered into a group
of 13 partygoers at Cardross, near Mildura in the state's north-west about 9.50pm (AEDT)

A 16-year-old girl was airlifted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, while a teenage boy
was transferred to The Alfred hospital in Melbourne.

Three teenage girls and two teenage boys died at the scene.

Two of those killed were from the same family - Shane Hirst, 16, and his sister, Abby, 17.

Stevie-Lee Weight, 15, Cassandra Manners, 16, and Cory Dowling, 16, also died in the accident.

Peter Gallagher, a relative of Cory Dowling, spoke in a firm, steady voice when he
read a statement on behalf of the families of the dead teens outside the Mildura Base

"We are now aware that we have lost our beautiful children overnight," Mr Gallagher said.

"In a moment of time, our lives have been changed forever.

"No words can describe what we are and will be going through."

Mr Gallagher called for the media to respect the families' privacy.

Callum Kingston, a friend of 16-year-old Shane Hirst who was killed in the accident,
said he was shocked by the news, and spoke fondly of his school mate.

"He was a short fellow who always wanted to have a good time and he will be sadly missed",
Callum said.

Callum said Shane was a student at Irymple Secondary college.

Victoria police allege the driver fled the crash scene, leaving two young children
- a girl, 10, and boy, four - in the damaged vehicle.

Early today, a man aged was arrested at a house in nearby Red Cliffs and questioned
over the crash.

Police later charged Thomas Towle, 34, of Red Cliffs, with five counts of culpable
driving, five counts of negligently causing serious injury and one count of failure to
stop and render assistance.

He has been held in custody and is expected to appear at Mildura Magistrates' Court tomorrow.

Police said two groups of teenagers had left a birthday party and had started walking
along the side of the road.

The car drove past the first group, but hit the second group.

Acting Inspector Mick Talbot of the major collision investigation unit, said it was
the worst accident he had ever encountered.

"First people on the scene would have found an absolute nightmare," Insp Talbot told
reporters today.

"There would have been people and bodies lying everywhere. There would have been utter
chaos and bedlam. There would have been people needing urgent treatment, people running
all over the place, yelling out, screaming and crying in pain.

"It's something that nobody would want to have been confronted with - it is an absolute

Police said the 13 young people had been waiting for taxis when they were hit.

Mildura man Colin Boulton and his son were among the first on the scene.

Mr Boulton said he was driving along Myall Road with his family shortly after the accident

"It was very chaotic," he told ABC radio.

"As soon as we realised something had happened I think both of us just went into (auto)
pilot mode and basically tried to help the kids.

"It was a devastating scene of course."

Red Cliffs Secondary College principal John Cortese said he went straight to the hospital
when he was told of the accident.

"At the hospital between 1am (AEDT) and 4am there were at least 600 people, some of
them students and some parents," Mr Cortese said.

He said it was obvious from the number of people at the hospital that the accident
had left many in shock.

Mr Cortese said he had been busy trying to help members of the school community cope
with the news.

"I've been very busy, very busy trying to help. It's just devastating news and has
shattered the community."

He said at least two teenagers killed in the accident were from Red Cliffs Secondary College.

"Two of the dead are from the school, two of those injured had just moved to our secondary
college (senior) campus this year. One of the injured is also from our school.

"There were about four schools in the area that were involved, they had students either
killed or injured in the accident."

Police Assistant Commissioner Noel Ashby said the accident was every parent's worst
nightmare," Mr Ashby said.

"It's a message for everyone in Victoria and every driver in Victoria... one event
can kill a lot of people. Last night we saw that in Red Cliffs.

AAP sam/gfr/arb/jlw/sd


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Dubbo shed fire causes $5m damage

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Dubbo shed fire causes $5m damage

Fire has caused about five million dollars' damage and destroyed a 150-year-old steam-driven
merry-go-round in central western New South Wales.

Antique equipment and vehicles have also been lost in the blaze in a shed on Nulla Road at Dubbo.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

AAP RTV mdg/ajw/


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA:SA approves 16th mine

AAP General News (Australia)
SA:SA approves 16th mine

ADELAIDE, Dec 28 AAP - South Australia is set to get its 16th mine as minerals exploration
turns into mining projects.

Premier Mike Rann says the state government recently approved three more mines - the
Heathgate Resources uranium project at Beverley North, the OZ Minerals Ankata underground
mine at Prominent Hill and the Hillgrove Resources copper-gold mine at Kanmantoo in the
Adelaide Hills.

Record levels of investment in mineral exploration continue to be translated into major
job-generating mining projects, the premier said in a statement on Tuesday.

"Minerals are South Australia's largest single contributor to exports, out-performing
all other sectors, worth $2.8 billion in 2009 /10, more than double $1.17 billion in 2003/4,"

Mr Rann said.

The approvals take the tally of approved mines in SA to 16 mines, with a further six
projects in the advanced stage of the regulatory approval process.

OZ Minerals has already begun construction on the $135 million Ankata underground copper
and gold mine near the Malu open-cut mine at Prominent Hill.

Heathgate Resources can now begin construction of the in-situ uranium recovery project
and Hillgrove Resources has started construction on the Kanmantoo site with the intention
of commissioning the mine within 12 months.

AAP lk/jsh


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Parties focus campaign on West

FED:Parties focus campaign on West

Reissuing, correcting spelling of Gary Gray's surname

CANBERRA, Aug 18 AAP - Both major parties are undertaking a last-minute bid to woo
West Australian voters ahead of Saturday's poll.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard will spend the morning campaigning in the state, where
Labor holds just four seats.

Labor MP Gary Gray says it's "an extraordinary gesture" for Ms Gillard to make a third
election campaign visit to his home state.

The hallmark of her prime ministership has been a "willingness to go the extra mile",
the parliamentary secretary for Western Australia told ABC Radio.

"The extra 7000 kilometres to make sure the case is heard," he said, suggesting that
the election would come down to the wire in WA.

Internal party polling shows Labor is trailing by less than 1000 votes in two marginal
Liberal-held seats in WA.

And there are 9000 new WA voters following the successful High Court challenge by online
advocacy group GetUp!

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop says the coalition is "making direct contact"

with every one of those voters.

"We are writing to them, introducing ourselves, and sending a how-to-vote cards," the
West Australian told ABC Radio.

When the Saturday polls close in the east "all eyes will turn west" she added.

AAP sld/goc/


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Labor's boat plan will clog up the system: Morrison

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Labor's boat plan will clog up the system: Morrison

SYDNEY, April 9 AAP - The federal government's decision to suspend new immigration
claims from Sri Lankan and Afghan asylum seekers will create a huge backlog of claims,
the opposition says.

The government action came after border protection officials intercepted a boat carrying
70 asylum seekers, near Christmas Island on Thursday night.

It was the 38th boat to arrive in Australian waters this year.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said on Friday the suspension would
not stop more boats arriving.

"Effectively what they've done is they've taken the wet lettuce to people smugglers,"

he told reporters in Sydney.

He said the government's plan would create a backlog of asylum seekers.

"They are going to clog up the system even more as boat after boat after boat arrives.

"Clearly they will just spill onto the mainland as they already have now.

"The government's response today is a response for the election - it's not a response
to stop the boats.

"This is a government who is being dragged kicking and screaming to say something today,
but all they have done is try to put this issue into suspended animation.

"What they haven't done is put forward a plan to stop the boats."

Mr Morrison said if the Coalition won power at the next federal election the government's
suspension plan would be reviewed.

The Coalition would reintroduce temporary protection visas, make sure there was a universal
process of offshore processing in place and implement a policy where the boats are turned
back boats where possible, he said.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor confirmed on Friday that federal police officers
had been deployed to Christmas Island, but refused to say how many or whether the government
expected the suspension to cause unrest there.

Mr Morrison said the deployment of Australian Federal Police (AFP) on Christmas Island
was stretching the organisation's resources.

"Already we have seen the additional cost and stretching of resources with the federal
police to deal with a crisis of the government's own making on Christmas Island.

"I don't know what it's costing the AFP ... the government should answer that question.

"The government should also answer how much it's costing in charters and flights from
Christmas Island to the mainland.

"We do know from the Senate estimates that the cost of each additional arrival is $81,900
in immigration costs alone."

AAP lm/klm/it


2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Police hunt fire bug

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Police hunt fire bug

MELBOURNE, Aug 27 AAP - An arsonist is believed to be responsible for a spate of car
and house fires in Melbourne's southeast in the past two weeks.

On Thursday night fire crews attended a truck fire in Springvale South about 3.20am
(AEST) and less than 20 minutes later they were called to a house around the corner in
Coomoora Road where a wheelie bin had been pushed up to the front door and set alight,
police said.

A family of five were asleep inside the house at the time, but a neighbour saw the
blaze and alerted authorities before the flames spread.

Police believe the arson attacks are linked to several similar recent incidents in the area.

On August 18 a home was targeted when rubbish at the front door was set alight about 5am.

The following morning two fires were lit at separate homes in nearby Gwent Street about 3.45am.

While nobody has been injured in the fires, police fear the fire bug will strike again
and are appealing for public assistance to help identify the culprit or culprits.

AAP mok/ldj


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Sports car stolen from Bellevue Hill home

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sports car stolen from Bellevue Hill home

SYDNEY, April 18 AAP - A Sydney man had his high performance sports car stolen at gunpoint
in the driveway of his eastern suburbs home overnight.

After parking the silver coloured BMW M5 at an address in Boronia Road, Bellevue Hill,
the 44-year-old driver was allegedly confronted by a man armed with a pistol.

Police say the armed man, whose face was covered, demanded the keys to the car.

A second man took the keys and the pair drove off - one in the BMW and the other in
another vehicle.

Police urge anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Police are seeking a man described as white/European.

They say he is about 175cms tall with a slim build. He was wearing a blue hooded top,
blue jeans, sneakers and a black and white bandanna.

AAP bc/it


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Fun park defends security after alleged sex assault

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Fun park defends security after alleged sex assault

The New South Wales amusement park .. where a teenage girl was allegedly sexually assaulted
by a 12-year-old and 15-year-old boy .. says visitor safety is paramount and it takes
security seriously.

The two youths allegedly indecently assaulted the 15-year-old while she was swimming
with a friend at Jamberoo Action Park .. near Kiama .. on Tuesday afternoon.

Police say a short time later .. a third girl was approached by a group of male youths
who allegedly indecently assaulted her in the same pool.

Five boys were arrested after the girls reported the incidents to park management and
police stopped a bus on Mount Ousley near Wollongong.

Jamberoo Action Park says staff acted immediately when told about the alleged assaults.

The 12-year-old boy has been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a person under 16.

The 15-year-old boy has been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a person under
16 years and aggravated indecent assault of a person person under 16 years.

They've both been granted conditional bail to appear in Port Kembla Children's Court
on January 5 next year.

The three other youths have been released and inquiries are continuing.

AAP RTV eb/evt/crh/wz


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

OLY: Waugh calls marching a career highlight

AAP General News (Australia)
OLY: Waugh calls marching a career highlight

SYDNEY, Aug 9 AAP - Marching in the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity, former Australian cricket captain Steve Waugh said tonight.

Joining the Australian team as an athlete liaison officer alongside former Australian
rugby captain John Eales and gold medallist rower Kate Allen, Waugh says being allowed
to participate in the athletes' parade is an honour.

"I consider it a real privilege and honour that I'm allowed to march," he told Macquarie Radio.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance and I'm going to soak it up and enjoy what the experience
is all about.

"I love the Olympics, they're the ultimate in sport, there's no doubt about that, it
brings the world together and at the moment everything's really positive, I'm having a
fantastic time."

And while rugby might have been canned from the Olympics over 80 years ago, John Eales
was also pleased to finally get his opportunity to revel in the spirit of the Games.

"It's a great honour to be involved from my point of view, rugby is not an Olympic
sport anymore, not since 1924, so it's nice to be here, I feel very privileged and honoured,"

he said.

"Rugby World Cups are a great sporting spectacle (but) this is almost like having 26,
27 Rugby World Cups all at once."

AAP bsb/jds


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Chemical leak appears to be false alarm: fire brigades

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Chemical leak appears to be false alarm: fire brigades

SYDNEY, Feb 15 AAP - The source of a suspected toxic chemical spill from a freight
train that has halted rail services in the NSW southern highlands is proving illusive,
the fire brigades say.

The NSW Fire Brigades expects to give the all clear before noon today, allowing trains
to resume running.

Emergency crews arrived at the scene about 2.5km north of Mittagong after receiving
a triple-0 call from a RailCorp crew member about 5.30am (AEDT) today.

A smell of ammonia had been detected from one container on a 1,400 metre Pacific National
freight train, a RailCorp spokeswoman said.

Train services in both directions on the southern highlands line were halted, stranding
commuters while the NSW Fire Brigades searched for any chemical spill.

Hazardous material crews have spent the morning inspecting the container but have not
been able to find anything.

Superintendent Craig Brierley of the NSW Fire Brigades said there had been no further
detection of any chemical smell.

But the crews would investigate every possible source of the smell before deciding
it was a false alarm.

"It's a just matter of checking now each possibility ... but we haven't been able to
identify a specific container it has come from," Supt Brierley said.

He said he expected the search to be wound up before noon.

RailCorp has organised bus services between Moss Vale and Picton to ferry commuters
past the trouble spot but is encouraging people to find alternative transport if they

AAP sk/wjf/cjh/bwl


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Baby killed by family dog

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Baby killed by family dog

A two-week-old baby girl has died in Perth .. after being attacked by the family dog.

Detective Sergeant JASON BEESLEY says the adult Siberian husky had been staying with
a relative while the baby settled in .. and only returned to its Willeton home yesterday.

He says the dog attacked the baby last night .. and she died of head injuries in Princess
Margaret Hospital early this morning.

Detective Sergeant BEESLEY says the dog's at a veterinary hospital while its owners
decide what to do with it.

The couple's understood to have at least three other children.

AAP RTV ah/tb/tm/jmt


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: Police check truck's brakes after crash

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Police check truck's brakes after crash

ADELAIDE, April 13 AAP - Police are investigating whether a semi-trailer's brakes failed
moments before it crashed into 16 cars at a busy Adelaide intersection, injuring 14 people.

No one was seriously hurt in yesterday's incident and witnesses have praised the truck
driver for his valiant efforts to bring his rig under control.

He hit several cars stopped at traffic lights at the corner of Main South and Seacombe
roads at suburban Darlington before jumping the median strip and taking out several more
vehicles on the other side of the road.

The semi then smashed into seven caravans at a nearby sales yard.

Inspector Craig Patterson said today the truck driver still had to be interviewed and
he would not comment on whether or not he would faces charges.

The intersection is located at the bottom of a steep descent and Insp Patterson also
declined to comment on suggestions that safety devices, such as arrester beds, be installed.

Given the extent of the damage, Insp Patterson said it was fortunate that no one was killed.

"We were extremely lucky, there's no doubt about it," he said.

"If you've seen some footage of that scene, the carnage was pretty horrific.

"We are extremely lucky no one has been seriously injured or lost their lives."

Insp Patterson said the semi-trailer had been impounded for exhaustive mechanical checks.

And the possibility that the brakes failed would be investigated.

Of those injured, most suffered just minor cuts and bruising.

While 14 people were taken to the nearby Flinders Medical Centre only one was admitted.

That person's condition was not serious, police said.

AAP tjd/it/mn


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Girl indecently assaulted near Sydney school

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Girl indecently assaulted near Sydney school

Police say .. by the time a teacher was alerted about an alleged indecent assault on
a Sydney schoolgirl .. it was too late to catch the offender.

The five-year-old was assaulted when she went under a fence to retrieve a ball from
a unit block near her Annandale school at about one o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Sex Crimes Squad commander Detective Superintendent HELEN BEGG says the young girl
had been playing with her friends in the playground .. when she spoke to the man and then
went over to get her ball.

A teacher .. who was on duty at the time .. was alerted by the girl and her friends
soon after the offence .. but the man couldn't be found.

The man's described as tall .. possibly aged in his late teens .. thin .. brown skin
.. clean-shaven face and dark spiky hair.

He was last seen wearing a red T-shirt and white shorts.

AAP RTV kmc/was/els/ibw


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Third of country NSW councils open to recycling water

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Third of country NSW councils open to recycling water

One in three regional councils in New South Wale is prepared to use recycled waste
water for domestic consumption .. if the state's water crisis worsens.

A survey by The Sunday Telegraph says 35 of 110 councils would consider to recycle
sewage water for every day use .. if drought conditions continue to dry up supply.

Byron Bay Mayor JAN BARHAM says she believes residents in her area will have an open
mind to the concept .. if there's a good system of recycling.

Goulburn in southern New South Wales .. Leeton Shire in the Riverina region .. are
among those who say they would consider using recycled waste water if required.

And Parkes in the state's west .. already recycles water for its parks and sports grounds.

But Broken Hill mayor RON PAGE calls the idea bloody madness .. and Premier MORRIS
IEMMA has ruled out a referendum on the issue.

(Re-issuing .. fixing last par)

AAP RTV nr/wz


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Tegan Lane case now in the hands of homicide squad

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Tegan Lane case now in the hands of homicide squad

The homicide squad will review the case of Sydney girl TEGAN LANE .. after the New
South Wales coroner ruled she died soon after her birth in 1996.

Coroner JOHN ABERNETHY delivered his findings today after a lengthy inquest into TEGAN's
suspected death .. saying he was satisfied the child was dead.

He says he's unable to accept a claim by TEGAN'S mother KELI LANE .. that she gave
the baby girl to the natural father.

TEGAN hasn't been seen since she was discharged from Auburn Hospital with her mother
.. two days after she was born on September 14 .. 1996.

Ms LANE kept the birth of TEGAN and two other children secret from her family and friends.

Mr ABERNETHY recommended the case be reviewed by the Homicide Squad for re-investigation
.. or further investigation if necessary.

AAP RTV ka/was/rt/bart


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Aleutian low

Aleutian low The semi-permanent low-pressure centre located at about 50° N over the Aleutian Islands. It is an important centre of action in the northern hemisphere. See also Pacific Decadal Oscillation

Web protocol assists website privacy.

Apr 23, 2002 (E-Commerce Today

ABIX via COMTEX) -- The US-based World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends web sites adopt a standard for privacy practices. W3C has approved the "Platform for Privacy Preferences", a set of standards designed to assist verification of the privacy practices of web sites. Once this is installed on a web page and a user's computer, the protocol will allow customisation of software to check site's privacy statements. Tim Berners-Lee, director of W3C, says the software will alert users if their information will be used for marketing. As well, users can customise their site contact to allow for receipt of notices from companies.

Publication Date: 19 April 2002


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tripp Lite's New Reseller Partner Program to Develop Sales and Business Relations

CHICAGO, July 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Tripp Lite, a world leader in power protection manufacturing, announces the institution of a Reseller Partner Program to provide better service, discounts and support to resellers.

The recently established Reseller Partner Program promotes close interaction between Tripp Lite and its resellers to increase sales and saturation of Tripp Lite products into new markets. Tripp Lite will provide resellers with sales training, aggressive promotional support and more to help them reach these goals.

"We are in a position to provide the support resellers need to grow their businesses and sales of Tripp Lite products in Canadian markets," said John Eboli, Vice President of Sales for Tripp Lite Canada. "By working closely together, we can enhance brand awareness and increase overall visibility for both the reseller and Tripp Lite."

Tripp Lite is cultivating the new Reseller Partner Program by developing a base of Canadian resellers and working with them to determine ways to grow their businesses and sales of Tripp Lite. In addition, Tripp Lite has designed additional programs to support the Reseller Partner Program, including more intensive product promotions, reseller training, support and help in closing sales. The Reseller Partner Program also provides incentives to resellers for increasing their Tripp Lite business.

To take advantage of the program, resellers should contact Tripp Lite Canada at 416-661-6090 or Tripp Lite's World Headquarters at 773-869-1234.

Tripp Lite has built a reputation as a world leader in power protection solutions by providing enhanced service and innovative products for more than 75 years. Tripp Lite is headquartered in Chicago, IL and maintains a global presence with fully staffed offices worldwide.

Tripp Lite manufactures more than 300 different power products, including SmartPro(R), DataCenter(TM), Unison(R), Internet Office(TM), OmniSmart(TM), BC Personal(R) and BC Pro(R) UPS lines; PowerAlert(R) Advanced Network Monitoring Software; Isobar(R) Premium Surge Suppressors; Super Series Surge Suppressors; Network Dataline Protectors; and Line Conditioners.

Additional information about Tripp Lite and its products can be found on the PowerZone(TM), Tripp Lite's web site, at or by contacting Tripp Lite Canada at 1122 Finch Avenue West; Building D, Unit 4; Downsview, ON M3J 3J5; Tel: 416-661-6090.

      Tripp Lite is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.  SOURCE  Tripp Lite     -0-                             07/27/98   

/CONTACT: Kris Collins, Media Relations of Tripp Lite, 773-869-1203, fax, 773-869-1230, or e-mail:

      /Web site:  CO:  Tripp Lite ST:  Illinois, Ontario IN:  CPR SU:  PDT      KG-AJ -- CGM025 -- 6636 07/27/98 15:45 EDT   

Facebook guru picks NZ to win Technology Why billionaire likes NZ.

Facebook billionaire Peter Thiel is known for picking winners _ so it's comforting to hear he's betting on New Zealand.

The country has an entrepreneurial flavour that Thiel finds appealing, and a business environment that suits him.

``There's a lot of incredibly talented people in New Zealand,'' said the American technology investor.

``You look around and you see the small businesses and it's very entrepreneurial. It's not dominated by [long traditions] that say `this is the way you have to do things'.

``New Zealand has some very interesting opportunities and it's also a place that's pleasant to spend some time in.''

Thiel's love affair with New Zealand began 18 years ago after an adventure tourism trip to Queenstown, but lately his trips have been a mix of business and pleasure.

In October 2010, the Californian invested $4 million in Xero's online accounting software through his local capital firm, Valar Ventures.

The 43-year-old also sits on Xero's advisory board with Trade Me founder Sam Morgan, and his involvement is believed to have doubled the company's share price.

In his second round of local investment, Thiel put an undisclosed amount in January into Pacific Fibre, the company planning to build a second submarine internet cable to Australia and the United States.

In April, he donated $1 million to help people affected by the Christchurch earthquake.

Thiel is also dipping into the New Zealand property market and after buying in Parnell he is looking at a Queenstown purchase.

Although he praises New Zealand's entrepreneurial culture, he thinks he can offer the ``Silicon Valley'' perspective the country lacks.

``Technology is fundamentally a globally competitive business where you have to try to do something that's the best in the world.

``It's very different from a lot of other businesses where it's good enough to be the best [locally].''

But Thiel stopped short of giving specific advice to Kiwi companies wanting to crack the US market.

``All great companies are unique. Every successful tech company is doing something that's not been done before, so you can't come up with a good [formula for success],'' he said.

``The formula is that there is no formula.''

Although many of the country's best and brightest are going to Australia to take advantage of its larger economy, Thiel thinks New Zealand has more to offer.

``Australia is a sort of strange developed country where it's all about exporting commodities to China. Talented people in Australia don't really need to try that hard.

``It seems like it's a plus, but I don't know if it is in the long term. I think New Zealand is more attractive on the tech side than Australia would be.''

Thiel warned that if tech entrepreneurs wanted to prosper, they should not idolise profit _ despite his own net worth of around US$1.5 billion.

``In the most successful companies, there tends to be some idea of how they can change the world or make the world a better place.

``The really successful companies are typically not the sort who tried to make money ... there has to be a compelling vision of how [the company] is going to change the world.''

Thiel's own pursuits have certainly made their mark; he was the first outsider to invest in Facebook, putting US$500,000 into the fledgling company in 2004.

Now with more than 750 million members, Facebook is the world's most popular social network and is worth upwards of US$80 billion.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg reportedly still turns to Thiel for advice and his shareholding is thought be worth more than US$1 billion.

In the early days, he knew Zuckerberg was on to going a good thing, he said, but there was no way of predicting Facebook would become one of the biggest companies of the Web 2.0 era.

``It had all the ingredients. The engineering team was good on it, it was growing very fast and it only needed money to buy more computers because so many people wanted to use the service.

``It was all very positive but the question of how far it was going to go was not obvious at the time. We thought it would probably scale into the entire US college market.''

Thiel was already a multimillionaire when he took a gamble on Facebook.

In 1998, he co-founded PayPal, an internet service which enables web users to buy goods without revealing their credit card details directly to the seller.

It was bought by internet auction site eBay for US$1.5 billion four years later, and Thiel pocketed US$55 million in the deal.

Having seen the rise and fall of the tech sector before, he disagrees with those worrying it is geared up for another crash.

``No moment in history happens twice. There are obviously superficial similarities, but I do think it's very different from the 1990s because people have been extremely sceptical of the resurgence of technology right the way through,'' he said.

Despite making his fortune through web-based technology, Thiel sees the future of his industry being off-screen in the ``real world'' of everyday life.

``The kinds of things we're interested in is computing interfacing with the rest of the world _ robotics is one version, there's bioinformatics and biology. The self-driving car's not quite there yet, but it seems like it's very close.

``To my mind the last decade has been simply about copying things that work and not enough of trying to do new things. I think there is a great need for us to do some new things.''

And it's the prospect of doing something exciting and new that keeps Thiel coming back for more, though he admits he probably spends too much time in the office.

``I probably do work too hard. The resolution every year for the last five or six is to do less ... it ends up being pretty all-encompassing.

``But it's always a little bit new, it's never a cookie-cutter process, it always has this exciting component.''

Rob clinches Sherlock role.

Provided by

. The 'Iron Man' star is reportedly in final talks with bosses at Warner Bros. to take on the role of the fictional British detective in a film adapted from Lionel Wigram's comic book based on the novels and short stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A source said: "After the success of 'Iron Man', Robert wanted to choose a movie which would keep him in the public eye, and thinks Guy Ritchie's new Sherlock Holmes film is the perfect vehicle for him. He is in final negotiations now, but he basically just needs to sign on the dotted line and then he's done." Robert was first approached to take the role when he visited his wife Susan, who works for film producer Joel Silver, and was shown a preliminary script for Guy's movie.

A[umlaut] 2007 Al Sidra Media LLC

Provided by an company

Twitter user leaks details of 13 super injunctions.(News)

Byline: Daily Mail Reporter

ANOTHER defiant twitter user has published details of 13 alleged super-injunctions.

The anonymous tweeter uploaded the list yesterday morning, including links to court documents, names of those alleged to be involved and even their addresses.

It appeared just hours after Twitter, based in California, caved in to a legal challenge and agreed to release the personal details of five account holders to find an anonymous British blogger.

The latest list is reportedly not entirely accurate - leading to fears that innocent people's reputations could be tarnished.

It was later removed, but not before attracting more than 500 followers within ten hours.

The information was later repeated countless times on Twitter and across the internet. Legal experts have warned the whole existence of celebrity injunctions is in jeopardy after millions read blogs and Twitter pages in recent weeks claiming to reveal details.

This most recent Twitter claim comes just weeks after another Twitter user who claimed to have outed several names behind the orders attracted more than 100,000 followers within a couple of days.

The discussion spilled over on to Facebook, which has more than 250million users.

Meanwhile, the town hall which forced Twitter to unmask a blogger who criticised councillors and officials has spent more than two years fighting its case in the U.S. courts, it was revealed yesterday.

South Tyneside Council used taxpayers' money to hire one of the biggest U.S. law firms and employed lawyers to make applications to California courts.

John Hemming, the LibDem MP who has campaigned against privacy injunctions, declared: 'In a world where we are short of money to pay for public services, this is a misuse of public funds.'


NEW YORK -- The following information was released by New York University:

Red Burns, professor, chief collaborations officer, and founder of the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, has been awarded a Special Achievement Webby Award by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. The presentation will be made at the 15th Annual Webby Awards Gala June 13, 2011 in New York City at Hammerstein Ballroom.

Burns is being honored for her influential role as the founder of ITP, as a pioneer in the interactive media world, as a researcher uniting the worlds of science and art, as an educator, and as a true visionary. The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and the mobile Web. The Academy, who nominate and select the Webby Award winners, comprises Web industry experts, including Internet co-inventor Vint Cerf, Arianna Huffington, Federated Media founder John Battelle and Twitter co-founder Biz Stone.

"This year's Webby Winners exemplify the type of profound effect the Internet is having on popular culture and the world at large," said David-Michel Davies, executive director of the Webby Awards. "From Arcade Fire's reinvention of the music video format with The Wilderness Downtown, or the New York Times coverage of revolution in Egypt and the Middle East, the Internet is the driving force of change in the world today."

Saturday, February 25, 2012


(Full text of a statement. Contact details below.)

(BW)(GTA-TELEGUAM) GTA TeleGuam Raffling Weekly Continental Airlines Trips to Philippines Trips Are Special Introductory Promotion for Addition of the Filipino Channel on GUdTV

Telecommunications Writers/TV Writers

TAMUNING, Guam--(BUSINESS WIRE) - Sep. 08, 2010-- GTA TeleGuam is raffling 15 Continental Airlines round-trip tickets to the Philippines to commemorate the launch of The Filipino Channel (TFC) on its digital television service called GUdTV.

As a special introductory promotion through October, the company also is providing TFC for one month at no additional cost and waiving installation costs for all new GUdTV subscribers. Existing GUdTV customers are also able to enjoy one month free when they subscribe to TFC. GTA TeleGuam began offering the 24-hour Tagalog language channel Wednesday as an international premium channel on GUdTV Channel 225.

"Introduction of The Filipino Channel on our GUdTV lineup helps bring Filipinos on Guam closer to their home country," said Andrew Gayle, executive vice president of product development and management for GTA TeleGuam. "GTA TeleGuam's ?GUdTV-TFC Travel Getaway' promotion and our expanded partnership with ABS-CBN Global are making this happen both figuratively and literally."

The GUdTV-TFC Travel Getaway raffle includes a weekly drawing through Nov. 5 for a round-trip ticket on Continental Airlines from Guam to Manila. The grand prize to be drawn Nov. 5 includes two round trip tickets on Continental from Guam to Manila, hotel accommodations for three nights in Manila, a tour of the ABS-CBN broadcasting studios and a chance to watch a live show as a member of the audience on Win na Win, Showtime, or ASAP, on TFC.

The raffle is open to any Guam resident at least 18 years of age and limited to one entry per person. No purchase is necessary for a raffle entry. Current and new customers who subscribe for GUdTV service and TFC for at least six months can receive up to three entries for the weekly drawings and grand prize.

GTA TeleGuam expanded its partnership agreement with ABS-CBN Global in response to customer requests to add TFC on the GUdTV lineup.

Prior to adding TFC, GUdTV carried other ABS-CBN channels such as ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC), Cinema One, Myx (USA), Kapamilya Channel, DZMM Teleradyo and Tambayan 101.9.

"GUdTV represents a competitive choice of pay television on Guam and we have the widest choice of international programming to satisfy the diverse interests of our customers," Gayle said. "For many years, customers had only one choice for TV and for TFC. With the launch of GUdTV and now TFC on GUdTV, our customers can now enjoy their favorite Filipino programming on 100% digital TV."

Other international channels on the GUdTV lineup include multiple Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish language programming.

Many of the channels are exclusive to GUdTV and included as standard offerings on the company's Choice Digital package.

"Our expanded partnership with GTA TeleGuam to offer TFC through GUdTV is a testament of ABS-CBN's commitment to be wherever Filipinos are," said Rocky Roxas, ABS-CBN Global managing director for Australia and Asia Pacific.

To receive an official entry form, residents of Guam can send a self-addressed stamped envelope to GTA TeleGuam Marketing Department, 624 N. Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam, 96913. Eligible customers are automatically entered in the raffle.

Drawings are held each Friday through Nov. 5. Winners will be notified and listed at GUDTV-TFCGetaway.

GTA TeleGuam launched its 100 percent digital GUdTV service in October 2008 as a competitive alternative to traditional cable television. More than 5,000 island residents and businesses have since switched to GUdTV because of its superior picture quality, extensive channel selection, and value. Basic GUdTV packages start at $29.95 a month.

GUdTV now offers more than 250 video and music channels in its lineup, including 30 high definition channels, 57 premium channels, Video On Demand, and pay-per-view programs.

About GTA TeleGuamGTA TeleGuam provides complete communications services on Guam. These include local and long-distance telephone service, 3G wireless, DSL Internet access, and advanced digital television, or IPTV. The company also operates a data center on Guam for offering business data storage and managed wide area networking. Based in Tamuning, Guam, GTA TeleGuam is privately owned and locally managed. Shamrock Capital Advisors, a California-based private equity firm founded as the Roy E. Disney Family investment company, and GE provide financial backing to GTA TeleGuam. The company's website is

Phone: 1-671-644-4482.

GTA TeleGuamMedia Contact:Cora Yanger Bejado1-671-644-0106 (o)1-671-488-2672 (m)

KEYWORD: Asia Pacific Australia/Oceania Philippines Guam

INDUSTRY KEYWORD: Entertainment TV and Radio Technology Networks Audio/Video Telecommunications Travel Destinations Vacation Transportation

CATEGORY KEYWORD: Contest Contract/Agreement

Source: GTA TeleGuam

Copyright Business Wire 2010

ASIA PULSE cg 09-09 1113

All My Sons Moving & Storage Company Enhances Operations.

Leveraging Voice over IP from Unified360 and Cisco for Unified Communications Solution

DALLAS, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- As the nation's fastest growing moving and storage company, All My Sons Moving & Storage announced their operational enhancements with a Unified Communications solution delivered by Unified360. In 2008, All My Sons Moving & Storage chose Unified360 as their communications partner to help them grow their national presence by leveraging Cisco System's Unified Communications technology. Today they announce the national rollout of their business development enhancements to help grow their business and their responses to their customers.

With over 40 offices throughout the United States and growing, All My Sons Moving & Storage leverages an online scheduling system that allows them to assist their customers as quickly and efficiently as possible. With the help of Unified360, they are now realizing some major enhancements to their business which they have already begun to credit to their revenue growth.

In early 2008, All My Sons engaged Unified360 with a desire to 1) improve their revenue by being able to better track and manage the results of their advertising nationwide and 2) take their customer satisfaction to a new level to gain customer loyalty. Unified360 was initially chosen due to their relationship and knowledge of All My Sons' business but later proved to be an even greater business partner than All My Sons imagined.

"With the Cisco solution delivered by Unified360, we have realized significant cost savings," stated Ormando Gomez, Chief Financial Officer for All My Sons Moving & Storage. "However, the real value of the solution is in the growth we have begun realizing which allows us to respond to Internet leads much faster."

All My Sons Moving & Storage has grown from servicing a single state in 1995 to over 23 states nationwide. Their planned growth and the importance they place on customer service encouraged them to partner with Unified360. "We are thankful All My Sons Moving & Storage chose Unified360 as their solutions integrator for their national growth," stated Jim Barker, Chief Executive Officer with Unified360. "We have been fortunate to have learned and grown with them by unifying their offices as well as their communications ranging from phone calls, voice mail messages, emails, Internet leads, faxes, and web chat. Their operation is very unique and we work diligently with them to help continue improving their efficiencies."

About Unified360:

Unified360 is a Unified communications solutions provider based in Dallas, Texas. As a premier partner with Cisco Systems, with a host of strategic solutions, including a wide range of communication and managed services, Unified360 is a leading provider to SMB and large enterprise organizations for next generation communication solutions. Unified360 focuses on helping companies realize a return on their technology investments, and assist in driving down communication cost, while delivering revenue enhancement opportunities.

Visit Unified360 on Wikipedia at Unified360 Wiki

To participate in VoIP and Unified Communications blogs visit Unified360 Blogs

  For career information go to Unified360 Careers  About All My Sons Moving:

Headquartered in Dallas, TX, the Dallas Moving Company, All My Sons Moving and Storage services 23 states nationwide. Founded in 1995 and beginning with one location, All My Sons Moving and Storage pioneered the concept of providing a friend in the moving business. All My Sons Moving and Storage recently opened their first location in Mexico City, taking their commitment to quality service for an affordable price international. More information about All My Sons Moving and its services can be obtained through the All My Sons Moving Web site at

Book your move with All My Sons Moving online today All My Sons Moving Requests

For Moving Reviews go to All My Sons Moving Reviews

CONTACT: Kimberly Kelly, Investor Relations, Unified360, +1-972-675-VOIP (8647),

Web Site:

Quick tips. (Question and Answer)(Column)

Caramba! You have just a few pages to print when the jets on your Apple StyleWriter's ink cartridge begin to plug up, causing white streaks in the printer's output. The StyleWriter Print dialog's "Clean ink cartridge before printing" option doesn't help, and there's not a replacement cartridge in sight. What to do? Dan Coventon of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, has rescued several cartridges with this trick: Remove the cartridge; then wet a cotton swab with pure isopropyl alcohol and very gently swab the surface of the print head. You may have to repeat this a couple of times to get the cartridge to print like new. While you're at it, why not take the time for further printer maintenance? Use a dry swab to soak up some of the ink in the sponge that caps off the print head when it's parked at the right side of the printer.

Since going over the print head with a cotton swab could conceivably damage the print head, you may want to first check for lint around the sponge or the clear plastic wiper near it, and wipe off any accumulated lint with your finger. The lint may absorb ink and cause white streaks in the output just like an ink-clogged cartridge. If removing lint doesn't eliminate the streaks, you have little to lose by swabbing the already malfunctioning print head.

TrackPad Insanity

Q. Please help me--I have been driven insane. Every time I touch the TrackPad of my PowerBook 190cs, the cursor jumps like a horse. My friends have no problem using my PowerBook's TrackPad. I think the problem is that I sweat too much. At the moment, I am using my lab glove to operate my PowerBook. Help!

Ka Tai Shiu

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

A. According to Apple, sweaty hands or moisture on the pad can cause the pointer to move erratically. Oil or lotion can cause the same problem. Wipe off the pad with a soft cloth or tissue, and try using the pad with a piece of paper between your finger and the pad. If the problem persists, try removing the TrackPad preferences file (a new one will be created automatically). Also, try removing rings and bracelets; jewelry can interfere with TrackPad performance.

If the problem goes away with a piece of paper between your finger and the pad, Apple suggests you purchase a plastic membrane to fit over the pad; this will prevent moisture from directly contact-ing it. Before installing the membrane, clean the pad with a mild glass cleaner, spraying it on the cleaning cloth, not directly on the pad. One source of TrackPad membranes is APS Technologies (800/874-1341,, which sells a sheet of 20 decorative, removable Mylar "skins" for $4.95 (item number 105289).

Macworld contributing editor and PowerBook specialist Cary Lu suggests plugging in a mouse when you are working at a desk. For travel, try turning your hand and using a knuckle. The knuckle method may well become tiresome, but it suffices for short-term work.

A plastic stylus, such as the type used on a graphics tablet or Newton, will not work on a TrackPad. Only an object with the correct capacitance characteristics will register. If you can find some kind of stylus filled with water, it may work, but be careful that it has a smooth, blunt tip that won't scratch the TrackPad.

PPP Out of Control

Q. My Mac seems to have a mind of its own. I use MacTCP with a PPP dial-up connection, and have the Config PPP control panel's Disable Auto Connect option turned off so it will automatically dial and connect whenever I use an Internet application. Sometimes in the morning, the Config PPP control panel indicates that a connection was made overnight. My modem's control panel shows that my Internet provider disconnected the link after a time out. I have also seen this happen in the evening while I am watching TV. The computer just decides to call for a couple of pizzas?

Kevin M. Lind

Houston, Texas

A. According to the FreePPP FAQ document, MacTCP has an internal timer that causes a connection attempt after about 5.5 hours of TCP network inactivity. Try one of these workarounds:

*Disable automatic connections. If you use FreePPP 2.5 or later, in FreePPP Setup turn off the option Allow Application to Open Connection. If you use an earlier version of FreePPP or any version of Mac PPP, turn on the Disable Auto Connect option in ConfigPPP. After disabling automatic connections, you'll have to manually connect and disconnect using FreePPP Setup or ConfigPPP, or with PPPremier, a great PPP timer that I described last month.

*Upgrade to System 7.5.3 (System 7.5 Update 2.0) and to FreePPP 2.5 or MacPPP 2.5. Then use the Network Software Selector application to switch from MacTCP to Open Transport 1.1.

*Turn off your Mac overnight. Save electricity and reduce the pollution that's a by-product of generating it.

Cursor Stuck

Q. For years I have struggled with an intermittent cursor problem. In any number of writing programs, including TeachText, if I go back to a line previously completed in order to indent it, neither the spacebar nor the tab key will push the text ahead. I can delete the first letter, but then the text realigns itself as before with the first letter now erased. I try going to the line above and pressing return, but this does not work, either.

Harriet Hart

New London, New Hampshire

A. Sounds like you are trying to indent a line in the middle of a paragraph. The symptoms you describe are normal in that context. When the program wraps a paragraph to fit the margins, it puts all blank spaces and tabs occurring after the last word of a line at the end of that line, never before the word that begins the next line. So if you set the blinking insertion point (the cursor) before the first word on a line in the middle of a paragraph and then type spaces or tabs, that "white space" all gets added at the end of the line above the insertion point. You must press return to start a new paragraph--or in many word processors, type shift-return to start a new line in the same paragraph--and then press tab or type spaces to indent the beginning of the line.

Incidentally, it's much better practice to use the tab key or the paragraph's indentation settings, not the spacebar, to indent a line. You get more accurate alignment that's not dependent on the font, font size, or font style of the blank spaces.

First or Last, Pronto

In most folder and disk windows, you can highlight the item that comes first alphabetically by pressing any number key or the spacebar. In most cases you can highlight the item that comes last alphabetically by pressing the option key along with any number key.

Melissa York

Austin, Texas

Those tricks, which stem from the ability to select an item by typing the first part of its name, work fine unless you have many item names that come after a bullet (*, option-8), including names beginning with most accented capital letters, most symbols you type with the option and shift keys, and some symbols you type with the option key alone. "Alphabetical Order shows the sequence of the Macintosh character set.

If nothing is selected in the active Finder window (or on the desktop, if no window has racing stripes to indicate it iss the active one), you can highlight the first or last item by pressing tab or shift-tab. With an item highlighted, pressing tab or shift-tab highlights the item that follows or precedes it alphabetically, and pressing an arrow key highlights the closest item on the desktop in the direction of the arrow.--L.P.

Billminder Time Trip

If you back up your Quicken files (which I recommend) and you accidentally open a backup file, Quicken's Billminder starts tracking that file. Since the backup file is not current, Billminder starts reporting that your account has transactions due 10, 11, 12 days ago, ad infinitum. Even closing and removing the backup file does not remove the Billminder reminder.

The list of transactions that Billminder tracks is stored in Quicken 6's preferences file, which is located in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder. Removing this file clears up the Billminder problem--the next time you run Quicken 6 it makes a new preferences file--but you lose all your other Quicken settings by doing so.

You can use ResEdit to reset Billminder without affecting other preferences settings. First, make a copy of the Quicken 6 preferences file just in case something goes wrong. Then use ResEdit to open the Quicken 6 preferences file that is in the Preferences folder (not the copy you just made). One of the resource types is BIL#. Deleting this resource causes Billminder to forget which files it is tracking (see "Syncing Billminder"). The next time you run Quicken, turn Billminder back on. Quicken makes a new BIL# resource that tracks only the transactions in data files open at that time or later.

Laird Malamed

Los Angeles, California

Sharing ClarisWorks Macros

Let's say you've created several ClarisWorks shortcuts you want to give to other ClarisWorks users. For instance, other people might be interested in a bunch of your shortcuts that automate typing of HTML tags. You could simply distribute copies of the ClarisWorks Shortcuts file from your Preferences folder, telling people to replace their files with yours. The drawback to this method is that people will lose any custom shortcuts they have already created.

Instead, follow these steps to create a file that people can use to add your shortcuts to theirs:

1. Make a new ClarisWorks word processing document and choose Edit Macros from the Shortcuts submenu in the File menu.

2. From the Macro pop-up menu, choose a macro that you want to distribute. Then attach that macro to the new document by selecting the Document Specific option. Repeat this step for all other macros you want to distribute, and then click Done to dismiss the Edit Macros dialog box.

3. Type instructions in the document telling others how to install the macros in their copies of ClarisWorks (hey, it's a built-in Read Me!), and save the document with a descriptive name. Here are the instructions you should type:

To put the macros contained in this document into your copy of ClarisWorks, follow these steps:

*Choose Edit Macros from the Shortcuts submenu in the File menu.

*From the Macro pop-up menu, choose a macro that you want to install and deselect the Document Specific option. Repeat this step for all other macros you want to install, and then click Done to dismiss the Edit Macros dialog box.

4. Go back and deselect the Document Specific option for all macros

you want to keep in your copy of ClarisWorks, and then close the document without saving changes.

Chris Crabtree

via Macworld Online

Quick Bits

*The logic-board upgrade that makes a Performa 63X, 52XX, or 62XX the equivalent of a Performa 6300, as described in July's Quick Tips, can be ordered from an Apple dealer. Apple's estimated street price for the Power Macintosh 5300/6300 Logic Board Upgrade is $769 with your old logic board in trade. Contrary to my July report, installation is extra.

*The Control Strip, which provides quick access to various control-panel settings, is not installed automatically on all desktop Macs using the Easy Install option of the installers for System 7.5.3 and System 7.5 Update 2.0 (contrary to what August's Quick Tips implied). You can use the installers' Custom Install option to install Control Strip, remarks David Sytsma of Higashi Kurume-shi, Japan. He also notes that instead of

Control Strip, you can use Desktop

Strip ($20 shareware), Extensions Strip ($15 shareware), or OneClick ($129; WestCode Software, 619/487-9200, http:// www .westcodesoft .com). Those alternatives can be moved anywhere on screen, and have other advantages over Apple's control panel, which must stick to the left or right edge of the screen. Systma has a Web site (http:// www .calvin .edu/~asytsm89/) dedicated to Control Strip, alternatives to it, and supplemental Control Strip modules.

*Alan Torrey of Carson City, Nevada, fixed crooked scans in Adobe Photoshop as described in August's Quick Tips until he discovered that it's easier with Photoshop's cropping tool. He selects the cropping tool and draws a box roughly around the image to be straightened, making sure the box isn't too close to the document's edge. Next, he rotates the cropping box by holding down the option key and dragging one corner of the box until it lines up with the crooked image. Then he adjusts the box to crop the image as desired. Finally, he clicks inside the box to have Photoshop straighten and crop the image in one step. You can simultaneously change the size of the cropped area by specifying a new size or resolution in the Cropping Tool Options palette before clicking inside the cropping box, says Scott Aronian of San Francisco. Chris Woodfield of Baltimore notes that the cropping tool can only rotate bitmapped images in 90-degree intervals. To rotate a bitmapped image differently, convert it to gray scale first.

*If you are having paper-feed problems with a Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter 520, 550C, or 560C printer, don't use a nail file to clean its rollers, as suggested in August's Quick Tips. Edward Lee of Toms River, New Jersey, reports that you can call 800/ 656-2324 and request HP's free roller-cleaning kit. The kit includes a cleaning plate with Scotch-Brite abrasive patches and special software to spin the printer's rollers.

*Do you need to download a Mac file from the Internet that won't fit on a floppy, using a Windows or DOS PC? Rather than breaking up a large file using a PC word processor (as suggested in August's Quick Tips), David Condit of Warrenton, Virginia, suggests you try using PKWare's DOS program PKZip 2.04g ($47 for DOS, $49 for Windows; 414/ 354-8699, http:// www .pkware .com) to compress the downloaded file about 25 percent and, if necessary, split it across multiple DOS floppies. Then use the ZipIt 1.3.5 utility ($15 shareware; Tom Brown) on the Mac to decompress and join the segments from the DOS floppies into an .hqx file. Finally, drag the .hqx file to StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (freeware; Aladdin Systems) or ShrinkWrap 2.0.1 (free for educational or nonprofit use, $20 for commercial use; Chad Magendanz) to convert it to a usable Mac file.

The Macintosh shareware and freeware mentioned this month is available from Macworld Online (

Masterbatch used in long fibre compounds.(MATERIALS)

RTP Co, USA, has developed long-cut additives for engineered long fibre thermoplastic (LFT) compounds. The long-cut masterbatches are available as cube blends with the company's line of LFT products.

Further, separation during handling is minimized because of similar pellet geometry allowing customers to receive superior, economic LFTs, the company says.

Business Manager of Structural Materials at RTP Co, Eric Lee, says "We are in a unique supply situation because of our ability to formulate and produce long-cut colour and additive packages for our LFT business. By applying our compounding competencies to long-cut additives for LFTs, we are able to create robust LFT solutions and minimize lead times for our customers."

According to the company, traditional LFT suppliers are restricted in how they deliver LFT products containing additives. However, using RTP Co's masterbatch enables manufacturers a number of additional choices. For instance, the company can provide additives in long-cut masterbatch pellets for dry blending or additives in pre-compounded LFT pellets.

RTP Co's Lead Development Engineer for LFCs, Karl Hoppe, adds "Combining other technologies like custom colours, UV [ultraviolet] stabilization, wear resistance, or static dissipation with long fibre compounds is an underutilized advantage in the industry today. With our long-cut additives, customers can now incorporate these technologies at a lower cost compared to traditional LFT compounds."

In addition to the new masterbatch LFT compounds, RTP Company has developed LFTs to complement its thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). The LFTs provide an improved bonding substrate for overmolding various TPE compounds in consumer good applications such as power tools and sporting goods.

Metal replacement is the most common use for LFTs because of their excellent mechanical properties and high strength-to-weight ratios.

For further information, contact: RTP Co, 580 East Front Street, Winona, MN 55987, USA; tel: +1-507-454-6900; fax: +1-507-454-2089; Internet:

Friday, February 24, 2012

CenterStaging's to Showcase Universal Music Group Artists with Online Content; Agreement Strengthens CenterStaging Business Strategy for Online Distribution of Breakthrough Entertainment Content.

BURBANK, Calif. -- CenterStaging Corp. (OTCBB:CNSC), a creator of digital entertainment content for multi-channel online distribution worldwide, announced that it has joined forces with the Universal Music Group, the world's leading music company, to provide video content of UMG recording artists via the internet in an innovative strategy to market and promote today's hottest musical talent. Under the agreement, CenterStaging will produce high-definition original content of UMG artists at its Burbank, CA, studios and digitally stream the performances on its online portal, Universal Music Group is home to multi-platinum acts such as Eminem, U2, Beck, Mary J. Blige, Prince, B.B. King and many more. showcases artists in various aspects of both their creative process and their working environment from streaming "behind the scenes" rehearsals as they prepare for tours, television appearances & recording sessions to live performances. This alliance represents the next step in capitalizing on the enormous success of digital marketing & promotion of both artists and their releases -- delivering unique & original content directly to their fan base.

"Working with the fantastic artists under the umbrella of the Universal Music Group is an opportunity we so warmly welcome," states Tommy Nast, Executive Vice President, Business Development, CenterStaging. "We're thrilled that their executive team recognize and embrace the quality of work we provide aurally, visually and creatively. We will prove this relationship to be lucrative in every sense of the word!"

"As the world's premiere music company, we feel that it is essential to do our part to help move the marketplace to the next level," stated Larry Kenswil, President of Universal Music Group's eLabs, the company's new media and technologies division. "By partnering with, UMG will deliver a unique musical experience for fans everywhere." is currently showcasing the worldwide debut of The New Cars performing their first single, "Not Tonight," a private band rehearsal with R&B legends Earth, Wind and Fire, and indie axeman & "e-merging" artist Taylor Hollingsworth. also features interviews and private clinics with legendary sidemen and studio greats who have logged time with Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Stevie Wonder, Dr. Dre and Fiona Apple.

About Universal Music Group

Universal Music Group is the world's largest music company with wholly owned record operations or licensees in 77 countries. Its businesses also include Universal Music Publishing Group, one of the industry's largest global music publishing operations. Universal Music Group consists of record labels Decca Music Group, Deutsche Grammophon, Interscope Geffen A&M Records, Geffen Records, Island Def Jam Music Group, Lost Highway Records, Machete Music, MCA Nashville, Mercury Nashville, Mercury Records, Philips, Polydor Records, Universal Music Latino, Universal Motown Records Group, and Verve Music Group as well as a multitude of record labels owned or distributed by its record company subsidiaries around the world. The Universal Music Group owns the most extensive catalog of music in the industry, which is marketed through two distinct divisions, Universal Music Enterprises (in the U.S.) and Universal Strategic Marketing (outside the U.S.). Universal Music Group also includes eLabs, a new media and technologies division, and Universal Music Mobile. Universal Music Group is a unit of Vivendi Universal, a global media and communications company.

About was created specifically to capture talent during the rehearsal process. Housed in a state-of-the-art broadcast center & premier rehearsal space at CenterStaging in Burbank, CA, streams exclusive programming in high-definition webcasts. brings the phrase "music in the making" to life.

About CenterStaging Corp.

CenterStaging Corp. (OTCBB:CNSC) is a public company based in Burbank, CA with an office in Bensalem, PA and is the parent company of CenterStaging Musical Productions, Inc. and its division The Company provides rehearsal and production services for all facets of the entertainment industry. The 150,000 square foot facility features 11 rehearsal studios, one sound stage, a high-definition broadcast center, thousands of musical instruments and backline equipment in Burbank, CA. The facility houses which is envisioned as a gateway into the professional artist's workshop, and provides high-definition streaming video as well as digital audio programming, exclusive performances, candid artist interviews and intimate lessons from the masters. The teaming of CenterStaging and mounts a powerful vertically integrated entertainment model that not only develops and produces content, but will deliver compelling programming to an online audience.

iMergent to Release Third Quarter Fiscal 2005 Results Prior to Market Open on April 28th 2005.

OREM, Utah -- iMergent, Inc. (AMEX:IIG) announced it will release its third quarter fiscal 2005 earnings prior to market open on Thursday, April 28th, 2005. It will hold its third quarter 2005 earnings conference call as previously announced and scheduled on Thursday, April 28th, at 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time. At which time, management will deliver prepared remarks and conduct a question and answer session.

The conference call will be broadcast live over the Internet at If you do not have Internet access, the telephone dial-in number is 800-639-0297 for domestic participants and 706-634-7417 for international participants. Please dial in five to ten minutes prior to the beginning of the call at 1:30 p.m. PT (4:30 p.m. ET). A telephone replay will be available through May 2nd, 2005; dial 706-645-9291, and enter access code 5524366.

About iMergent

iMergent provides eCommerce solutions to entrepreneurs and small businesses enabling them to market and sell their business product or idea via the Internet. Headquartered in Orem, Utah the company sells its proprietary StoresOnline software and training services, helping users build a successful Internet strategy to market products, accept online orders, analyze marketing performance, and manage pricing and customers. In addition to software, iMergent offers site development, web hosting, marketing and mentoring products. iMergent typically reaches its target audience through a concentrated direct marketing effort to fill Preview Sessions, in which a StoresOnline expert reviews the product opportunities and costs. These sessions lead to a follow-up Workshop Conference, where product and technology experts train potential users on the software and encourage them to make purchases.

iMergent, Inc. and StoresOnline are trademarks of iMergent, Inc.

Ciphire Labs protects consumers with a safe, easy-to-use and free email security tool; Ciphire Mail installs in minutes to guard email privacy and to prevent identity theft.

M2 PRESSWIRE-18 January 2005-Ciphire Labs: Ciphire Labs protects consumers with a safe, easy-to-use and free email security tool; Ciphire Mail installs in minutes to guard email privacy and to prevent identity theft(C)1994-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD


NEW YORK - Ciphire Labs, a Munich-based cryptographic research and development facility, today released Ciphire Mail, a best of breed secure email communication software, free for consumers, non-profits and the press. It has been designed for maximum-security requirements, but was built so that even non-technical users can quickly install and benefit from it. Ciphire Mail provides highest-grade security that protects email privacy, prevents identity theft and minimizes exposure to common email scams such as spoofing.

With more than 26 billion emails sent worldwide daily that pass through vulnerable and sometimes hostile networks, researchers and the government agree that the consumer risk of hacking and identity theft is at an all time high. According to industry analyst firm Forrester Research, identity theft is the fastest growing computer crime in the U.S. The research group also maintains that the best defense against this crime for consumers is email authentication.

Intercepting of emails by unauthorized parties, altered email content, and identity theft are more common than most emails users are aware of. Other dangers include exposure to email spoofing and phishing scammers who masquerade as banks and online retailers to lure the public into emailing private financial and personal information. Researchers found that during the last 3 months of 2004, the global incident of phishing attacks alone grew 500% as compared to the previous 3 months of 2004.

Ciphire Mail works with all popular email programs behind the scenes to protect sensitive personal and financial information often contained in emails, such as personal photographs, bank account and credit card numbers, social security numbers, medical results and physician correspondence. Ciphire Mail automatically and invisibly authenticates email content and sender identity without prompting the user or requiring additional steps or processes. The product uses digital signatures to perform the authentication, reducing the risk of email spoofing. Ciphire Mail does not require additional software or hardware, and integrates seamlessly with existing email environments.

"Email as a communication medium is under siege. Not only is consumer trust in email waning due to phishing scams and spam, but there also is a tremendous concern about private information falling into the wrong hands," said Errikos Pitsos, CEO of Ciphire Labs. "Ciphire Mail offers the public exactly what it needs: a simple solution to complex threats. Now, everybody can send secure email."

Ciphire Mail is installed in minutes for immediate benefit. The product can be used on several computers sharing the same email account. Ciphire Mail operates invisibly in the background and ensures that only the intended recipients can read the emails. Ciphire Mail works with popular anti-virus programs and firewalls to provide total protection for communications coming into, or out of, a PC used at home or at work.

Ciphire Mail supports all popular email programs including Outlook, Eudora and Mozilla Thunderbird. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems.

Ciphire Mail can be downloaded today at The product is free of charge to home-users, non-profit organizations and the press.

About Ciphire Labs

Ciphire Labs is a cryptographic research and development facility with offices in Munich, Germany, and Zurich, Switzerland. The company is privately held and produces user-friendly solutions, including Ciphire Mail that enables secure communication over the Internet. Ciphire Labs technologies are peer-reviewed by recognized experts to maximize quality and improve security. For more information, visit us at

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