Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FED:Parties focus campaign on West

FED:Parties focus campaign on West

Reissuing, correcting spelling of Gary Gray's surname

CANBERRA, Aug 18 AAP - Both major parties are undertaking a last-minute bid to woo
West Australian voters ahead of Saturday's poll.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard will spend the morning campaigning in the state, where
Labor holds just four seats.

Labor MP Gary Gray says it's "an extraordinary gesture" for Ms Gillard to make a third
election campaign visit to his home state.

The hallmark of her prime ministership has been a "willingness to go the extra mile",
the parliamentary secretary for Western Australia told ABC Radio.

"The extra 7000 kilometres to make sure the case is heard," he said, suggesting that
the election would come down to the wire in WA.

Internal party polling shows Labor is trailing by less than 1000 votes in two marginal
Liberal-held seats in WA.

And there are 9000 new WA voters following the successful High Court challenge by online
advocacy group GetUp!

Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop says the coalition is "making direct contact"

with every one of those voters.

"We are writing to them, introducing ourselves, and sending a how-to-vote cards," the
West Australian told ABC Radio.

When the Saturday polls close in the east "all eyes will turn west" she added.

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