Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quotes of the week

Quotes of the week

SYDNEY, April 17 AAP - Quotes of the week:

"The challenge of the peace is now beginning." - British PM Tony Blair acknowledgesthe next phase of the action against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

"We don't want foreigners ruling over us." - Baghdad laundry worker Adli Halim explainswhy Iraqis want US troops to leave.

"It's been a campaign of disinformation and misinformation." - Syrian diplomat in WashingtonImad Moustapha on US claims that Syria is testing chemical weapons and harbouring membersof Saddam Hussein's regime.

"HIH is not a case where wholesale fraud and embezzlement abounded ... HIH was mismanaged."

- Justice Neville Owen in his report on Australia's largest corporate collapse.

"This government is the highest-taxing government ever." - Taxpayers Australia chiefPeter McDonald on a report that Australians pay $31 billion a year in hidden levies andtaxes.

"She's alive and that means more to me than anything." - Robert Ryan, father of Rockhamptonteenager Natasha Ryan, who disappeared for almost five years.

"I have not raped anybody, I have not shot anybody, I have not poisoned anybody andI have not stolen anybody's land." - ATSIC chairman Geoff Clark, who is facing a civiltrial in Melbourne brought by two women who claim he raped them.

"I'll go until I get to the stage where I think I've reached my use-by date, when I'mwandering around mumbling toothlessly, walking into walls and making a nuisance of myself."

- Shooters Party MP John Tingle, 71, on his plans to serve another eight-year term inthe NSW Upper House.

"I have to cop it on the chin." - St George Illawarra's Trent Barrett on the face slappinghe took from coach Nathan Brown in the team's loss to Manly.

"I feel like Jesus Christ when he was murdered by his own people." - 400m runner DanielBatman on his troubled relationship with Athletics Australia.

AAP tr/dc/gl


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