Friday, March 2, 2012

Virginia Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton Headlines The Weekly Standard Transportation Infrastructure Policy Breakfast, March 2, 2011 in Washington, DC

Blue-Chip Panel To Discuss Solutions to Infrastructure Challenges

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- SeanConnaughton, Secretary of Transportation for the Commonwealth ofVirginia, will join a panel of experts for The Weekly Standardmagazine's "Future of Transportation Infrastructure" policybreakfast, Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at The Willard Hotel inWashington, DC.

Appearing on the panel with Secretary Connaughton to discuss thefuture of transportation infrastructure are Barry P. Gold, ManagingDirector, The Carlyle Group, Marion Blakey, President & CEO,Aerospace Industries Association, R. Bruce Josten executive vice-president, US Chamber of Commerce, and Robert Poole, ReasonFoundation. The panel discussion and a subsequent audience Q&A willbe moderated by Weekly Standard executive editor, Fred Barnes. Thebreakfast will begin with opening remarks at 8:00 am and conclude at9:45 am. The panel discussion coincides with a special issue of TheWeekly Standard, featuring expanded editorial content on the subjectof transportation infrastructure. The issue will be available onnewsstands and on the magazine's website,, onFebruary 28, 2011. The breakfast is underwritten by the AssociatedGeneral Contractors of America.

A live audience for the policy breakfast will include leaders inCongress & the administration, private sector and news media. Thisevent will be available for viewing live on the internet at the URL: Registration isrequired to view the event online.

SOURCE The Weekly Standard

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